What Social Media Marketers Get Wrong About SEO: The 4 Biggest Mistakes

What Social Media Marketers Get Wrong About SEO: The 4 Biggest Mistakes

What is the relationship between social media and SEO? Why is it important to understand the relationship? What are some of the myths about SEO and social media? These questions are covered very succinctly in this article.

I can remember when social media was being debated in marketing meetings and the fervor that surrounded the idea of whether one should have a social media strategy, or whether the overall marketing strategy should encompass social media. Well, the discussion is over. Social Media is central to everything we do in marketing today.

The jury is out on social media and the role it plays in our marketing campaigns - it is central to driving traffic, getting more site visitors, and increasing sales. However, what we are debating today, is the relationship between social media and Search Engine Optimization or SEO, and how to maximize our marketing efforts and results.

This article lays out in detail the role of social media and SEO, the importance it plays in the overall success of marketing campaigns, and the guidance we can all use to ensure success.

Examine the 4 Biggest Mistakes

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