What Branding to Consider when Promoting Business Services on the Web
This article was authored by Hazel Harmon
Critical areas to consider when branding online
When promoting a business using branding on the internet, there are specific routes to take to ensure you gain the optimal response from consumers. It differs from the traditional signage and posters of the real world or flashy adverts and jingles of television and radio. We are here to show you what branding to consider when promoting business services on the web.
Consider Your Audience
First off, you will need to consider how your target audience will view your brand. Imagine, in the first instance, that you are an unsuspecting consumer who does not know your business at all. Next, view your brand as something a potential customer has seen around and look at it from that perspective too.
Where will they see your brand for the first time?
- Google or another search engine
- Social Media
- Website
- Advertisements
- Content posts
- Offline and online services
How will they know what you sell/offer?
- Name of business
- Slogan
- Logo
- Introduction
- Content
- Website style
- Social Media voice
- Style of customer interactions
- Answers to questions/reviews
What will attract them to seek out further information?
- Colours
- Ethics
- Style
- Image
- Voice
- Aesthetics
- Overall brand feel
It would be best to consider these options as they can quickly become issues when you decide to take your branding to the next level online.
If you design your branding without these factors in mind, you can get unstuck quite easily and might have an expensive time rebranding when it was otherwise unnecessary.
Create a Solid Name and Logo
Create a name for your business that tells customers what you sell or offer. They cannot look into your shop window to view your products or see a poster on the street showing what you advertise. Having a name that clearly depicts what you sell or the services that you offer is invaluable in the world of online business.
Create a logo that has an image that represents your business. If you would like to have a go at creating one yourself in minutes, check out this link. Do not overcomplicate it. Your logo will be one of the main implementations within your branding that customers see over and over again. It will serve as a significant part of your business' brand identity so ensure that it fully represents your business.
Advertise Your Branding
Tell people what you are doing and put your business into the light. Do not expect your branding to do all of the work if you aren't visible or findable.
Involve your audience in your branding and ask for their input. This can create loyal customers who feel invested in the brand itself.
Create advertising campaigns on your social media sites and add your brand and your logo to everything that you do. The more that your target audience sees your brand. The more relatable they will naturally start to find it.
Run advertising on Google if it falls within your budget and try and get your logo out there as much or more than your product photos.
Send out emails to customers that contain your logo as a clickable link to your website, and ensure that your website is a .com or .co.uk branded site so increase their recognition and trust in your personal brand.
When promoting business services on the web, there are particular factors to consider. Still, once you get your head around it and get started with your branding, you will probably find it easier than you first expected to create the perfect branding for your business.