The Top 8 Social Media Fails of 2017

Digital Marketing in 2017 can sometimes be a very perilous landscape. It can also be a treasure trove of valuable tools to help accomplish daily, weekly, monthly goals and objectives.
Social media has helped to expand the marketing reach, build a larger share of voice, created another avenue for customer engagement, and so much more. It can also place your brand in the line of fire.
Often times, marketers have taken social media for granted, and generally lack the oversight and responsibility of protecting the brand at all cost. Social Media conforms to the same norms of any other marketing or advertising principle. Do no harm, be responsible, respect your customer, and protect your brand.
I stumbled across this social media posts and had to share it. It reminds us of the lessons we know, but often times forget to apply judiciously. It can quite possibly be very costly to repair a brand, so doing the right thing might be the best line of defense. Learn from others, keep a keen eye on your social media posts.

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