I still remember wise words of wisdom from a former Director. He said, "if you fail to plan, you've plan to fail."
It is extremely important for small businesses to have a plan. To ensure that they are maximizing opportunities and planning for the future.
As indicated in this article, this concept holds true, especially in business, and as a small B2B business owner, you need to be clear not only on your goals but also about the way you plan to achieve them. That means having a plan, and to successfully implement a plan, you need to factor in the time and resources that you'll need to invest into your plan’s execution.
LinkedIn Essentials Strategies
Here are 5 Essential LinkedIn Strategies
Build your professional and personal brand
Establish your authority on your topic
Generate new prospects and clients
Build your network of partners and vendors
Stay up-to-date on your industry
If you're like many small business owners, you likely wear many hats, tackling sales, content marketing, bookkeeping, and customer service, among others. Trying to accomplish all these tasks can be challenging - but thankfully, with small, achievable goals, a step-by-step action plan, and the right tools, you can make your vision a reality.
One of the tools that can help your B2B business grow is LinkedIn.
The way we built our professional brand and network in the past was done in the old fashion way. We attended networking events, distributed our business cards, ran print campaigns, and seek invitations for a radio appearance. Today, it's making use of technology and social media.
The LinkedIn essentials’ strategies will encompass the old way with the new way of helping small businesses create a plan to help move your business strategies forward.